viernes, 28 de abril de 2017


1. Five E’

This model for teaching outlines a teaching sequence that can be used for entire programs, specific units, and individual lessons. What are the 5Es? The 5Es represent five stages of a sequence for teaching and learning: Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend (or Elaborate), and Evaluate.

2. Lexical Approach

The language activities consistent with the lexical approach must be directed toward naturally occurring language and toward raising learners' awareness of the lexical nature of language. 

3. Task Based Instruction (TBI)

Is an alternative approach to communicate language teaching because a task involves a primary focus on meaning, real words, proccess of language use and any of the four language skills

4. Content Based Instruction (CBI)

People learn a second language more successfully when they use the language as a means of acquiring information, rather than as an end in it and its better reflect learners needs for learning a second language.


1. Presentation, Practice, and Production

is a successful teaching method and is wedily used throughout the world by many EFL and ESL teachers. Every ppp lesson has a language aim, which students should fulfill by the end of it.

PRESENTATION: The teacher introduce the topic
PRACTICE: Students practice the target language
PRODUCTION:Students use the target languaje.

2. Engage-Study-Activate (ESA)

The stages of ESA are roughly equivalent to PPP, though ESA is slightly different in that it is designed to allow movement back and forth between the stages. However, each stage is similar to the PPP stages in the same order.

3. Situational Language Teaching

When we acquire our primary language, we do so by learning how to behave in situations, not by learning rules about what to say.

4. Observe-Hypothesize-Experiment OHE

Students should be allowed to observe which will then provoke them to Hypothesise about how the language works before going on to the Experiment on the basis of that hypothesis.


The nature of approaches and methods in language teaching
Identified three levels of conceptualization and organization, which he termed approach, method, and technique:
-  An approach is a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of language teaching and learning.
-  Method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material, no part of which contradicts, and all of which is based upon, the selected approach.
- A technique is implementational that which actually takes place in a classroom. Techniques must be consistent with a method, and therefore in harmony with an approach as well.


  • The Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching
  • The Audiolingual Method
  • Total Physical Response
  • Community Language Learning
  • Suggestopedia
  • The lexical approach

  • Students’ skills can be shown in the process of completing a task to develop a required competency. These tasks can be shown by a teacher and assessment expectations can be shown in a rubric or checklist for the student. Teachers should carefully create the checklists to represent each of the expected tasks and accomplishments. They should also show and discuss the rubric with students in order to provide a clear view of what students must do to successfully complete a task and demonstrate mastery of a given competency. Students must learn to do more than memorize and recall but to show some advance thinking skills, for example, higher order thinking skills as outlined by Bloom. With practice students will be able to acquire the skills necessary to achieve mastery.

    Tools such as Bloom’s levels of cognitive domain provides ESL/EFL techniques/methods for teachers who want to add new methods for improving learning procedures. A good English teacher is actually one who searches for such techniques/methods to improve not only their own performance and delivery in class, but also helps students improve their competencies.  Students know exactly what is required for successful completion of a task and all of the components required to do so.

    The new communicative English courses require the mastery of competencies across a wide variety of tasks. Students must demonstrate an ability to perform. It is no longer enough to fill in blanks or do scripted activities that may have little relevance outside the classroom. Instead, students need to show that they can actually communicate well enough to perform a real world task. These specialized tasks, examples or demonstrations are the reflection of what she/he has been learning from a communicative course.

    Competency based instruction in EFL

    Competency Base Instruction in EFL

    Competency Based Language Teaching is based on the idea that knowing an abstract idea about a subject does not translate into being able to use that information. Someone may memorize irregular verbs but not actually be able to put them into a logical sentence to use in context.

    You focus on objectives which you can measure by having students demonstrate skills. For instance, a goal could be that by the end of the lesson "Students will be able to use past tense when talking about their weekend."

    In a communicative English course, students listen, speak, write, read, as well as evaluate, express, understand, cooperate, formulate, encourage, and interact with facts related to the target language. Students practice what they can do by using the skills from their native language. The purpose is to help students develop a second language (and the tasks emerging from this learning such as answering the phone, interacting in a conversation, or completing any printed form as questionnaires, surveys, and so on) and also to learn the necessary linguistic elements to communicate appropriately and transform the results obtained from the learning itself or the tasks completed as their own way of communicating in a second language effectively. In this way, students practice their generic skills as well as their higher order thinking skills.

    Competency based educational model

    Competency-Based Education Model

    What is CBE?

    What is competency-based education? It’s an alternative mode of delivery that focuses on learner mastery of knowledge, ability, and skills. Working at their own pace, students may access a variety of learning materials; activities are guided and supported by faculty and staff.

    Competency-based education model transforms the faculty role but could allow for specialization and personalized support than ensures a more rigorous and customized educatinal experience for students.

    The most important Characteristic of competency-based education is that it measures learning rather than time. Students progress by demonstrating their competence, ehich means they prove that they have mastered the kwoledge and skills (called competencies) required for a particular course, regarsless of how long it takes. While more traditional models often do measure competency, they are time based courses last about four month, and students may advance only after they have put in the seat time. This is true even if they could have completed the coursework and pased the final exam in half the time. So, while most Schools and Universities hold time requirements constant and let learning vary, competency-based learning allows us to hold constant and let time vary.

    While competency- based education is better for all students because it allows them to study and learn at their own pace. It makes it possible for them to come back and complete a degree, which can mean a better job, higher earning potential, and a better life.

    Direct Method

    Direct method is named “Direct” because meaning should be connected directly with the target language without translation into the native...